Monday, October 13, 2008

Portfolio 4

The problem I am facing in my engineering classes is in answering concept-based and explanatory questions. For example, in MLE1101, a tutorial question asks us to explain the difference in electrical conductivity between metals, semiconductors and insulators. This type of question not only requires us to have a strong understanding in the concept behind the electrical properties of the materials, but also requires us to provide a thorough comparison and explanation of the concept. Furthermore, I also need to have good sentence structures in my answer, so that the examiner can easily understand my explanation.

The first step I need to take to resolve the problem is to fully understand all the important concepts in the module. This can be achieved by paying full attention during lectures and attending tutorial classes to clear up my doubts. To continue to improve, I will make full use of the textbook to understand more complex concepts in greater detail. This is because some concepts covered in the lecture notes are quite basic and they are not enough to answer the questions in the examination.

Secondly, in order to give a complete explanation and comparison in my answers, I will attempt all the tutorial questions and try additional questions in the textbook, as well as reference books in the library to familiarize myself with the correct way to answer various types of explanatory questions. In addition, I will form a study group with my friends to discuss questions that are more likely to come out in the examination. Through study group, everyone can share their knowledge with each other and gain a lot in the process. Finally, to continue to improve, I will also consult my lecture or tutor during consultation time to overcome all the difficulties mentioned above.

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